Youtubers I enjoy watching (at the moment)


I am a youtube junkie. There, I said it. Youtube videos are my favorite way to procrastinate, as well as a big source of my inspiration. Thus, I’ve put together a little list of my favorite people to watch at the moment (in no particular order)!

Casey Neistat
Vlogger, founder of an app called Beme, resident of Manhattan. I spent a good chunk of last year living in the city, so Casey’s vlogs are very nostalgic for me. The fact that his tame-lapses are amazing and that he gets to do fun stuff all the time don’t hurt either.

British family vloggers. Their content is comforting, and their cinematography is outstanding. If you wanna be in awe and have 30 minutes to kill, head for one of their vlogs.

Dodie is a british youtuber that plays the ukulele. She’s a songwriter, and she tends to put up fun little videos from time to time. I like her.

Rachel Aust
Rachel’s youtube channel consists of minimalism, minimalism, and more (or less?) minimalism. She makes videos on various topics, mainly fitness / health / food/beauty/lifestyle. Her videos are really calm so they’re super great if you’re trying to unwind and relax.

Emmy’s really fun! She gets foods from hundreds of different countries sent to her from her viewers, and she tastes things on camera. Her voice is really soothing and she’s great at explaining flavors. I always head for her videos in the morning.

Samika Vlogs
The Andersons are family vloggers and they’ve been my favorite for the longest time now. They have a cute two year old boy named Noah and are pregnant with a little girl named Penelope.

JoJo Lomelino
I couldn’t not include this channel. Jojo is a sassy little girl who always has something to say, and her dad is usually behind the camera asking her questions. She’s so stinkin’ adorable.

These are just a few faves! Let me know if you have any favorites that are worth a view or two! 🙂


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