Ode to my fav: Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion

Okay, this is not really an ode, as I am awful at writing in any sort of lyrical sense. In any case, let me tell you about one of my favorite products of all time (!!!). I love make up, but when it starts to get hot I tend to wear so little of it… I really prefer when my face can breathe. So an easy everyday thing for me is to dot on some concealer, throw some color on my cheeks and smother my whole eyelids with a champagne-colored eye shadow. A little bit of mascara, and I’m out the door!

But I hate, hate, HATE when my eye shadow creases. I like to put it on in the morning and make sure that it stays there all day, and the only product I’ve come across that REALLY does the trick is the Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion. Seriously friends, this thing is magical. Somehow, somewhere, in some sketchy basement, there were witches and a cauldron and this concoction was created and TA-DAAA (probably not, but shhh)!


The tiniest tube of this is about $12 at Sephora, but it’s so SO worth it. You only need the smallest amount of product and it ends up lasting a long time. UUUGHHHH so much love in my heart for this little tube thingy.

So yeah.
I’m back, I’m back – ladies and gents, I AM BACK.

Do you know of any other kick-ass primers? Wanna blow me away? Wanna just say hi? DO IT. COMMENT SECTION. DO IIIIT.

Till next time,
Srna ❤

Dearest blogger friends,

It’s been a while since I’ve written to you. Truth be told, it’s been some time since I’ve written at all. But here I am, coming back to my favorite comfort zone. Have I ever mentioned how much I love blogging? Blogging is great.
In any case, I am aware that not many (probably none at all) of you will read this – but that’s totally alright with me. Blogging has always been a way for me to let my thoughts run wild, and there is nothing I need more than that today.

I’ve been in a weird rut lately. I’m graduating in a few *weeks*, I have so much schoolwork to finish up but I have no desire to (ahem, senioritis), and I don’t have a job yet. As you’ve guessed, this whole process is freaking me out. It feels like I’ve got so much pressure to not fuck up, and that’s been pretty hard on me. But I think the hardest thing for me these past few months has been the concept of being healthy. Not only have I not been taking care of my mind, my soul and my well-being, I’ve also treated my body like absolute crap. The amount of junk I’ve eaten these last few months makes me want to cry. But that my friends, is one thing I am done with.

It’s been a long winter and with that, my motivation levels have been nearly nonexistent. But, the sun is out, Manhattan is looking absolutely gorgeous and I am ready to start taking care of myself. This morning I woke up refreshed and motivated, after having spent all day yesterday with a horrible headache. I got up, drank some water and headed to the gym. Last summer I was in awesome  shape and I used to do about an hour and a half of gym time, five days a week. Now? 22 minutest on the eliptical and some stretches were all I could manage to do… but hey, that’s already so much better than yesterday. Now it’s time for a shower and I’m heading to central park to soak up some sun and maybe read a book.

I am coming back into it. Slowly, but surely.
Expect some body-love rambling from me.


❤ Srna